Shut down all VMs and PCs that might use shared on this server data.
On the old server:
Get and save information about all local accounts:
wmic useraccount get name,sid > D:\old-SIDs.txt
Get and save all permissions in selected folder:
icacls "D:\Data" /save D:\Data-icacls.txt /t /c
On the new server:
Configure new accounts
Get and save information about all local accounts:
wmic useraccount get name,sid > D:\new-SIDs.txt
On your PC:
Replace old SIDs with the new SIDs in ICACLS dump files (copy original dump files first)
On the new server:
Attach disk D: from an old server to the new one
Configure System to own D:
Allow admin to access D: (“This folder only” type)
Restore permissions from icacls dump:
icacls R:\ /restore D:\Data-icacls.txt