VMware/ESXi info

Difference between processors and cores in VM configuration:


In short: better use CPU Sockets, not Cores.


Отключить vmem файл vmware player и ESXi:

Vmware Player по дефолту создает .vmem файл (своп памяти) в папке с виртуалкой. Это бесит. Чтобы отключить, надо прописать
mainMem.useNamedFile = “FALSE”
в файле .vmx этой машины.
Это действие значительно ускорит работу виртуалки и уменьшит занимаемый ей размер на объем памяти, выделенный для неё :-)
Чтобы отключить своп в ESXi:
Edit virtual machine settings -> Resourses -> Memory -> Reserve all guest memory
Это отъест фиксированное количество памяти из всего ресурса гипервизора, но за то ускорится работа машины и системы в целом и, опять же, не будет занято лишнее место в датасторе.


Заставить ESXi 6.5 работать со старым клиентом:

vi /bootbank/clients.xml
<clientConnection id="0000">

vi /etc/rc.local.d/local.sh
rm /usr/lib/vmware/hostd/docroot/client/clients.xml
cp /bootbank/clients.xml /usr/lib/vmware/hostd/docroot/client/clients.xml
chmod 444 /usr/lib/vmware/hostd/docroot/client/clients.xml

Reboot server and check how it works



Updates/patches for ESXi releases ESXi 6.5 and 6.7:



How to install:
esxcli software vib install -d “/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip

How to uninstall:
esxcli software vib list
esxcli software vib remove -n packsge-name


Enter ESXi shell using keyboard:

Как попасть в шелл напрямую с хоста?
Идем в секцию логов, просматриваем любой лог, нажимаем Alt+F1 и попадаем в шелл.

Краткие команды:
ls -al – аналог dir,
cd начало имени+Tab – автозаполнение имени, полезно когда директории называются 678g6s9-fgs7-f728rgviwv9 и их много


Stop background copy on ESXi:

# /sbin/services.sh restart


Restart web console:

/etc/init.d/hostd restart
/etc/init.d/vpxa restart
/etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart


VMDK manipulations:

Rename VMDK:
vmkfstools -E OldName.vmdk NewName.vmdk


Cloning or Converting a Virtual Disk or RDM:
-i|--clonevirtualdisk oldName newName
-d|--diskformat [thin|zeroedthick|eagerzeroedthick|rdm:device|rdmp:device|2gbsparse]
-W|--objecttype [file|vsan|vvol]
--policyFile fileName


Move VMDK:
vmkfstools -i "/vmfs/volumes/datastorename/vm/source.vmdk" -d thin "/vmfs/volumes/datastorename/vm/target.vmdk"


Check HDD performance via console:

cd /vmfs/volumes/[datastore]
time dd if=/dev/zero of=tempfile bs=8k count=1000000


Copy/move VM from one datastore to another:

cp -R /vmfs/volume/olddatastore/myvm /vmfs/volume/newdatastore/myvm
mv /vmfs/volume/olddatastore/myvm /vmfs/volume/newdatastore/myvm



Copy VM from one ESXi host to another:

Я пользовался такой командой:

scp -p -r /vmfs/volumes/storagename/vmname/  root@remote.host.ip:/vmfs/volumes/storagename/vmname/

-r means recursive
-p preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the original file.

Enable SSH on the host you are copy VM from.
Enable SSH Client in destination host’s firewall.


Вот еще варианты:


scp -v -c aes128-ctr -r /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/VMNAME* root@

var. 2:


syntax: ovftool.exe -ds= vi:/// vi://

Example: ovftool.exe -ds=DS-1 vi:// vi://




VMware ESXi cannot find the virtual disk

vmkload_mod multiextent


Менеджмент памяти vmware





Backup and restore ESXi config:

vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/sync_config
vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/backup_config

!When restoring configuration data, the build number of the host must match the build number of the host on backup file and UUID (can be obtained using the command “esxcfg-info -u”) of the host should match the UUID of the host on backup file.
Use numeric 1 as force option to override the UUID mismatch. For example, vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/restore_config 1 /tmp/configBundle.tgz
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/restore_config /tmp/configBundle.tgz
You can see the .tgz using ls /scratch/downloads/


VMware ESXi 7.0 и неподдерживаемое оборудование




rm .ssh/known_hosts


Link aggregation (NIC teaming):



LSI storcli commands in ESXi:

/opt/lsi/storcli/storcli show


Add hardware dish to VM directly:

Via link:
vmkfstools -z /vmfs/devices/disks/diskname /vmfs/volumes/datastorename/vmfolder/vmname.vmdk


Записки на манжетах Максима Мошкова про VMware:



Размер системной партиции OSDATA в ESXi 7.0:


Не создается Datastore. Call “HostDatastoreSystem.QueryVmfsDatastoreCreateOptions” for object “ha-datastoresystem” on ESXi failed:

Go to Storage -> Devices
Click on the disk you need and you will see its path like “/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c86bd09bb2eb56ca8249b”

In console do this (all information on this disk will be erased!):
partedUtil mklabel /dev/disks/naa.600508b1001c86bd09bb2eb56ca8249b msdos

Now you can create the datastore.

Cannot connect ‘path:0/1/0/5 version:2’ to this virtual machine. The device was not found.:

Add usb.generic.allowCCID = "TRUE" to the VM’s vmx file.

Protect ESXi server against encryption by Babuk-like ransomware:

esxcli system slp stats get
/etc/init.d/slpd stop
esxcli network firewall ruleset set -r CIMSLP -e 0
chkconfig slpd off
chkconfig --list | grep slpd

E-token failed to add to VM with error “Failed to reconfigure virtual machine VMNAME. Cannot connect ‘vid: pid: path:0/1/0’ to this virtual machine. The device was not found”:


1. Power of the VM
2. Append the following line to your VM configuration (.vmx)
usb.generic.allowCCID = "TRUE"

Free ESXi 8.0 – How to Download and get License Keys:


Mouse cursor misplaced in vSphere Client and in VMRC:

In Windows 11 when you apply custom Scale in Display settings there may be some misplacement of cursor in VMRC ans vSphere VM’s console.
It can be fixed by configuring DPI settings in Compatibiality options for the corresponding application:
VpxClient.exe -> Compatiability -> Change High DPI settings -> Use this setting to fix scaling… -> Use DPI that’s set for my main display when -> I open this program
VpxClient.exe -> Compatiability -> Change High DPI settings -> High DPI scaling override -> Application

ESXi Network Speed Test Step-By-Step using iperf:


iSCSI Storage ESXi 7:


Useful ESXi 7 info:


Configure NUMA node affinity:

cpuid.coresPerSocket = 1
numa.vcpu.preferHT = TRUE
numa.nodeAffinity = SOCKET-NUMBER

Don’t forget to set number of cores:
numa.autosize.vcpu.maxPerVirtualNode = NUMBER-OF-CORES

Check NUMA node RAM usage by VM:

m (to select Memory stats)
f (to configure the view options)
uncheck everything except D and G (name and NUMA)
return (exit to the esxtop)
V (configure view of running VMs only)

GST_NDX – NUMA node number where VM’s memory allocated in

Online Update Standalone ESXi Host:

Put host in Maintenance Mode:
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
Check software profile in depot file:
esxcli software sources profile list --depot=file:///vmfs/volumes/DATASTORENAME/VMware_ESXi_RELEASE_depot.zip
Check update with needed depot file using corresponding profile:
esxcli software profile update --depot=file:///vmfs/volumes/DATASTORENAME/vib/VMware_ESXi_RELEASE_depot.zip --profile=ESXi-PROFILENAME --dry-run
If everything is ok, then update the host:
Update host with needed depot file using corresponding profile:
esxcli software profile update --depot=file:///vmfs/volumes/DATASTORENAME/vib/VMware_ESXi_RELEASE_depot.zip --profile=ESXi-PROFILENAME
Exit maintenance mode:
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_exit

Error while updating ESXi: VIB QLC_bootbank_qedrntv_ requires qedentv_ver = , but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile

When you’re updating ESXi from .zip package, using esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/PATH-TO-UPDATE.zip command, system can throw an error about the ImageProfile.
esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/PATH-TO-UPDATE.zip
this will show a list of profiles. Choose one that fits your needs:
esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-XXX-standard -d /vmfs/volumes/PATH-TO-UPDATE.zip
wait until install ends


Download: http://www.virten.net/files/smartctl-6.6-4321.x86_64.vib
esxcli software acceptance set --level=CommunitySupported
esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/NAME/smartctl-6.6-4321.x86_64.vib
list available devices in ESXi shell:
ls -l /dev/disks/
list all info about selected device:
/opt/smartmontools/smartctl -d [Device Type] --all /dev/disks/[DISK]
for SATA disks use –sat
/opt/smartmontools/smartctl -d sat –all /dev/disks/[DISK]
list only SMART attributes about selected device:
/opt/smartmontools/smartctl -d sat --attributes /dev/disks/[DISK]
list only needed attribute information:
/opt/smartmontools/smartctl -d sat --attributes /dev/disks/[DISK] | grep Temperature_Celsius

Interestingly that on some SSD’s only 241 Total_LBAs_Written attribute is available:
241 Total_LBAs_Written 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 122520
This number does not mean anything that is connected to a real written Bytes, Gigabytes ot Terabytes.
I’ve tried to use the formula from https://www.virten.net/2016/05/determine-tbw-from-ssds-with-s-m-a-r-t-values-in-esxi-smartctl/ but in my case number was 5,720462650060654e-5
I did an experiment:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/vmfs/volumes/STORAGENAME/test/test bs=1M count=1024
and looked how “241 Total_LBAs_Written” changed from 122357 to 122520. Using simple caclulations: 163 * X = 1024 we have X = near 6.3. It seems that every megabyte written increases the number in “241 Total_LBAs_Written” by 6.3
Now it is possible to count the TBW of that SSD: (122520 * 6.3)/1024 = 753,7 Gigabytes

SMART attributes by vendor: https://www.smartmontools.org/wiki/Attributes_VendorDocs

Change VMRC locale:

Edit “%APPDATA%\VMware\preferences.ini”:
Add the following line to it and save the file:
pref.locale = "en_US"

Export VM from ESXi 7 & 8 to OVA in Windows:

Export VM:
"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" vi://USERNAME@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/VMNAME LOCALDISK:\vmname.OVA
When you have a VM with multiple “physical” disks (.vmdk) Ovftool will export VM like OVF (many files including .vmdk disks) no matter that you’ll specify “.OVA” in previous command. But you can convert all that bunch of files to .OVA using
"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" LOCALDISK:\vmname.ovf LOCALDISK:\vmname.ova
Mybe Vmware just want us to wear our SSDs faster? I don’t know any other reason why it is working like this. In previous versions (before 7) of ESXi everything was good: you could just command to export as OVA and get everything done.

Add existing iSCSI datastore to ESXi:

Sometimes when you’re adding an existing iSCSI datastore to the newly created ESXi, you can stop at the step when you can see the iSCSI devise added but no datastore apeeared and you can’t add any by clicking the “New Datastore” button.
Thy looking if ESXi sees needed datastore:
esxcli storage vmfs snapshot list
if yes then:
esxcfg-volume -M "VMFS UUID"
P.S. Special thanks to the assholes and assheads in Broadcom that broke all community and KB Vmware links.

The certificate assigned to this host is not valid yet. You should install a valid certificate:


/etc/init.d/hostd restart

“Note: This method should not be used when the ESXi host is already added to a vCenter Server. In that case, the certificate should be renewed using Right-Click ESXi Host in Inventory > Certificates > Renew Certificate”

Build numbers and versions of VMware ESXi/ESX:


Make Removable HDD/SSD Fixed:

Add to the .vmx file devices.hotplug = false

SHA Digest of the file doesn’t match manifest:

In most cases it says that something wrong with import-export process, or vmdk files are broken due to some reasons.
But sometimes removing (or renaming) the .mf file helps import the VM (or part/s of it).

VMware ESXi Patch Tracker:

List of ESXi updates: current versions and unsupported.

Простейший мониторинг состояния RAID массива и дисков в нем на ESXi

Простейший мониторинг состояния RAID массива и дисков в нем на ESXi:


Если коротко, то:
– выясняем модель RAID контроллера;
– ищем на сайте производителя драйверы и SMIS провайдер под VMware;
– закачиваем в датастор драйвер и провайдер;
– устанавливаем это все примерно такими командами:
esxcli software vib install -v “/vmfs/volumes/STORAGENAME/Distr/Drv/Adaptec/msm_vmware_v2_06_23164/cim/esxi6_0/cim/vmware-esx-provider-arcconf.vib”
некоторые производители (привет, Адаптек!) почему-то не подписывают свой софт и ESXi откажется его устанавливать из-за этого. Используем –no-sig-check (два дефиса перед no) в команде установки для обхода этого препятствия.
– перезагружаем сервер;
– смотрим, появилась ли информация о контроллере, массиве и дисках в Health Status

ESXi web client install

Howto: https://www.vladan.fr/esxi-free-web-client-interface/
Descr.: https://www.vmgu.ru/news/vmware-esxi-embedded-web-client
Download: https://labs.vmware.com/flings/esxi-embedded-host-client
Troubleshooter for 5.5: https://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2015/08/new-html5-embedded-host-client-for-esxi.html


Как зайти:

How to install:
esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/storagename/Distr/VM/WebClient/esxui-signed-5214684.vib



Service 503 error:
Step 1 – SSH to your ESXi host and open the following configuration file:
vi /etc/vmware/rhttpssproxy/endpoints.conf
Step 2 – Remove the following line and save the changes
set cursor on this line:
/ui local 8308 redirect allow
and press dd
press ZZ (with shift) to save
Step 3 – Restart the reverse proxy by running the following command:
/etc/init.d/rhttpssproxy restart


Справочник по vi:

ESXi 6.0 Windows 7 VM failed to start with error: The operation on the file failed (14(Bad address))

После копирования виртуалки с windows 7, созданной в ESXi 5.5 на сервер с ESXi 6.0 и попытки ее запуска получил ошибку:
The operation on the file failed (14(Bad address))

Места в датасторе предостаточно.

Спасает команда vmkfstools -i "/vmfs/volumes/datastorename/vm/source.vmdk" -d thin "/vmfs/volumes/datastorename/vm/target.vmdk"


Manage LSI RAID controller, installed on server running ESXi, in Windows

For example, we want to monitor MEGARAID SAS 9341-4I:

LSI Software:

On ESXi:
– Download VMware Driver – usually from VMware site
– Download SMIS Provider
– Enter Maintenance Mode
– Set Host Image Profile Acceptance Level to Community in Security configuration.
– Install driver: esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/VOLUME-NAME/DRV-DIR-NAME/DRV-NAME.vib –no-sig-check
– Reboot.
– Install SIMS Provider: esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/VOLUME-NAME/DRV-DIR-NAME/SIMS-NAME.vib –no-sig-check
– Reboot.
– Check everything installed fine: esxcli software vib list | grep -i lsi
– Check LSI RAID appeared Health Status in vSphere Client or Web Client.
– Exit Maintenance Mode.
– Check CIM Server started in Security Profile. Also check its startup policy.
– Check CIM Server port.
– Check or set host name in DNS And Routing.

On Windows:
– Download and install Latest MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM)
– Configure ESXi server’s A record in DNS or write it to hosts file.
– Start MSM and set “Display all the ESXi-CIMOM…” in Configure Host.
– Enter ESXi server’s IP and start discovery.

– ping ESXi host to be sure it is available in network
– download SLP Helper utility and set ESXi host’s IP in slp_helper.php


“Unable to connect to CIMOM server” in MSM

Restore Management network ESXi

Если случилось :-) удалить Management Network и даже в ESXi DCUI настройки стали неактивными серыми, то:

• esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitch1
With this command you can create a new vSwitch named: “vSwitch1”

• esxcfg-vswitch -A “Management Network” vSwitch1
now you can assign a portgroup “Management Network” to the new vSwitch1

• esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic0 vSwitch1
this step adds pNIC “vmnic0” to the vSwitch1

• esxcfg-vmknic -a  -i 160.xxx.xxx.xxx -n 255.xxx.xxx.xxx “Management Network”
this command will set the IP address/Subnet


Пара полезных команд:
– список имеющихся свитчей:
esxcfg-vswitch -l
– список имеющихся vmk:
esxcli network ip interface list
– список имеющихся сетевых карт:
esxcfg-nics l
– привязать vSwitch и сетевую карту:
esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic0 vSwitch1
– отвязать сетевую карту:
esxcfg-vswitch -U vmnic0 vSwitch1
– удалить vmKernel:
esxcli network ip tinterface name –interface-name vmkX

VMware vSphere Client на контроллер домена

Рабочее решение:
VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1281650.exe /VSKIP_OS_CHECKS=”1″


А способ, предложенный на vmgu работал у меня косо: если я писал VMware-viclient.exe /v “SKIP_OS_CHECKS=1”, то инсталлер вылетал с ошибкой “1152 Error extracting to the temporary location”.

Короч, спасибо некоему acisi.livejournal.com :-)

Проброс видеокарты ESXi

Статья поновее:

Вот еще инфо:



Проброс видеокарты

А еще при помощи USB Bluetooth адаптера (клавиатуры и мыши) + passthrough на встроенную видеокарту сервера мне удалось получить локальную консоль для гостевой машины с Windows XP. :)

Работает также как и с любыми другими физическими устройствами. При старте сервера – ESXi будет использовать ее, как только виртуалка стартует – видеокарта будет отдана ей.
Видеокарта была единственная в сервере. Сервер – Dell R310.



Память Kingston:

Vmware системы:

Vmware Raid:



Cisco feature navigator (firmware + hardware etc):

Cisco Transceiver Module Compatibility Matrix:

OS X Compatibility:

Intel processors by socket: