Invoke SSACLI command from remote server: esxcli –server=”servername or IP” –user=”username” –password=”root password” ssacli cmd -q “controller all show status”
Vmware Player по дефолту создает .vmem файл (своп памяти) в папке с виртуалкой. Это бесит. Чтобы отключить, надо прописать
mainMem.useNamedFile = “FALSE”
в файле .vmx этой машины.
Это действие значительно ускорит работу виртуалки и уменьшит занимаемый ей размер на объем памяти, выделенный для неё :-)
Чтобы отключить своп в ESXi:
Edit virtual machine settings -> Resourses -> Memory -> Reserve all guest memory
Это отъест фиксированное количество памяти из всего ресурса гипервизора, но за то ускорится работа машины и системы в целом и, опять же, не будет занято лишнее место в датасторе.
Как попасть в шелл напрямую с хоста?
Идем в секцию логов, просматриваем любой лог, нажимаем Alt+F1 и попадаем в шелл.
Краткие команды:
ls -al – аналог dir,
cd начало имени+Tab – автозаполнение имени, полезно когда директории называются 678g6s9-fgs7-f728rgviwv9 и их много
Cloning or Converting a Virtual Disk or RDM: -i|--clonevirtualdisk oldName newName
-d|--diskformat [thin|zeroedthick|eagerzeroedthick|rdm:device|rdmp:device|2gbsparse]
-W|--objecttype [file|vsan|vvol]
--policyFile fileName
!When restoring configuration data, the build number of the host must match the build number of the host on backup file and UUID (can be obtained using the command “esxcfg-info -u”) of the host should match the UUID of the host on backup file.
Use numeric 1 as force option to override the UUID mismatch. For example, vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/restore_config 1 /tmp/configBundle.tgz
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/restore_config /tmp/configBundle.tgz
You can see the .tgz using ls /scratch/downloads/
E-token failed to add to VM with error “Failed to reconfigure virtual machine VMNAME. Cannot connect ‘vid: pid: path:0/1/0’ to this virtual machine. The device was not found”:
Mouse cursor misplaced in vSphere Client and in VMRC:
In Windows 11 when you apply custom Scale in Display settings there may be some misplacement of cursor in VMRC ans vSphere VM’s console.
It can be fixed by configuring DPI settings in Compatibiality options for the corresponding application:
VpxClient.exe -> Compatiability -> Change High DPI settings -> Use this setting to fix scaling… -> Use DPI that’s set for my main display when -> I open this program
VpxClient.exe -> Compatiability -> Change High DPI settings -> High DPI scaling override -> Application
m (to select Memory stats)
f (to configure the view options)
uncheck everything except D and G (name and NUMA)
return (exit to the esxtop)
V (configure view of running VMs only)
GST_NDX – NUMA node number where VM’s memory allocated in
Online Update Standalone ESXi Host:
Put host in Maintenance Mode: vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
Check software profile in depot file: esxcli software sources profile list --depot=file:///vmfs/volumes/DATASTORENAME/
Check update with needed depot file using corresponding profile: esxcli software profile update --depot=file:///vmfs/volumes/DATASTORENAME/vib/ --profile=ESXi-PROFILENAME --dry-run
If everything is ok, then update the host:
Update host with needed depot file using corresponding profile: esxcli software profile update --depot=file:///vmfs/volumes/DATASTORENAME/vib/ --profile=ESXi-PROFILENAME
Exit maintenance mode: vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_exit
Error while updating ESXi: VIB QLC_bootbank_qedrntv_ requires qedentv_ver = , but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile
When you’re updating ESXi from .zip package, using esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/ command, system can throw an error about the ImageProfile. esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/
this will show a list of profiles. Choose one that fits your needs: esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-XXX-standard -d /vmfs/volumes/
wait until install ends
Install: esxcli software acceptance set --level=CommunitySupported esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/NAME/smartctl-6.6-4321.x86_64.vib
list available devices in ESXi shell: ls -l /dev/disks/
list all info about selected device: /opt/smartmontools/smartctl -d [Device Type] --all /dev/disks/[DISK]
for SATA disks use –sat
/opt/smartmontools/smartctl -d sat –all /dev/disks/[DISK]
list only SMART attributes about selected device: /opt/smartmontools/smartctl -d sat --attributes /dev/disks/[DISK]
list only needed attribute information: /opt/smartmontools/smartctl -d sat --attributes /dev/disks/[DISK] | grep Temperature_Celsius
Interestingly that on some SSD’s only 241 Total_LBAs_Written attribute is available: 241 Total_LBAs_Written 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 122520
This number does not mean anything that is connected to a real written Bytes, Gigabytes ot Terabytes.
I’ve tried to use the formula from but in my case number was 5,720462650060654e-5
I did an experiment:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/vmfs/volumes/STORAGENAME/test/test bs=1M count=1024
and looked how “241 Total_LBAs_Written” changed from 122357 to 122520. Using simple caclulations: 163 * X = 1024 we have X = near 6.3. It seems that every megabyte written increases the number in “241 Total_LBAs_Written” by 6.3
Now it is possible to count the TBW of that SSD: (122520 * 6.3)/1024 = 753,7 Gigabytes
Export VM: "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" vi://USERNAME@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/VMNAME LOCALDISK:\vmname.OVA
When you have a VM with multiple “physical” disks (.vmdk) Ovftool will export VM like OVF (many files including .vmdk disks) no matter that you’ll specify “.OVA” in previous command. But you can convert all that bunch of files to .OVA using "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" LOCALDISK:\vmname.ovf LOCALDISK:\vmname.ova
Mybe Vmware just want us to wear our SSDs faster? I don’t know any other reason why it is working like this. In previous versions (before 7) of ESXi everything was good: you could just command to export as OVA and get everything done.
“Note: This method should not be used when the ESXi host is already added to a vCenter Server. In that case, the certificate should be renewed using Right-Click ESXi Host in Inventory > Certificates > Renew Certificate”
In most cases it says that something wrong with import-export process, or vmdk files are broken due to some reasons.
But sometimes removing (or renaming) the .mf file helps import the VM (or part/s of it).